Sunday, April 21, 2019

Node.js vs. PHP: Why Does The Two Environments Stack Up Against Each Other?

In the web development and designing world there are many debates about which language is better, then which platform is better and among this list, one place is taken is by Node.js and PHP. While both of them are quite a popular web development solutions they both stack up against each other. In this article, we will look into the reason that has resulted in this prolonged debate and how to choose the right solution if you are into custom web development services.

Node.js Vs, PHP: How they stack up against each other?

To begin with lets clear one factor, i.e. Nodte.js is not a language rather it is a runtime environment launched in 2009. It used JavaScrpit for its application development. This has resulted in many enterprise mobility solutions using Node.js for their services.  PHP, on the other hand, is a language created in 1994 and its success can be gauged from CMS (Content Management Systems) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. 

However, to understand how these two environments stack up against each other there are several factors that need to be compared. 


Many of the custom web development services PHP is the go-to scripting language because it offers performance that is more reliable and stable when developing a web or mobile app.
But Node.js offers better speed than PHP that is because of the following:

    Better and continued server connection

    Multiple requests can be processed at the same time hence better callback functions

    V8 engine hence better speed.

Due to the better speed of Node.js best web design companies often use the environment for their app development mainly if they are providing enterprise mobility solutions that require speed.


With PHP a Dot NET development company can develop codes much faster because they do not have to include either converters or compilers. An easy connection can be established with the SQL database because of the language hence there are no limitations to hosting.
However, in the development feature, Node.js is way more complicated than PHP. It requires a complex preparation as well as server infrastructure for the deployment of its framework and application.


PHP can work efficiently with multiple databases and their different versions like Postgresql and MariaDB despite operating with MySQL. For PHP the engine utilized does not factor since the code works without any problem with all these databases.

For SQL different libraries are accessed by Node.js. However, to interact with NoSQL database’s new form it interacts with JSON. It is better to use JavaScript in this as one code is there for both the server and browser. Though with PHP one can configure the support for JSON. 


Compared to Node.js, which has less number of hosting services, PHP has the support of a lot of hosting services. This enables the best web design company developer to integrate and deploy PHP with much more ease than Node.js. For Node.js often virtual server having SSH access is required for running the applications. 

Evolution of the Environment: 

Both PHP and Node.js are constantly developed and updated by the teams. On one hand, PHP team is always on the lookout to update and develop their language with new concepts and features so that it can have high execution speed. On the other hand, the development of Node.js ensures that there is no fragmentation so that it can be of immensely beneficial for the developers. With single distribution and no fragmentation, they would be required to spend no time on a reworking of the code for server and browser.

Practical Application: 

PHP is typically used for web-oriented applications, whereas Node.js is often used in multithreaded applications like web apps, browsers, game services and so on.

Many developers of Dot NETdevelopment company often get confused in deciding between PHP and Node.js So here is an overview for better understanding on when to use PHP and Node.js.

PHP can be used when:

    Using software stacks like LAMP stack
    Creating CMS like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc.
    Using servers like SQL, MySQL,  Oracle, MariaDB, etc.

Node.js can be used when:

    Creating dynamic Single Page Applications (SPAs)
    Using software stacks like the MEAN stack
    Using front-end technologies like jQuery, ReactJS, Backbone.js, etc.
    Using server-side technologies like Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, etc.

A developer is the only person who can decide to select between PHP and Node.js for developing an application. The decision should be made while bearing in mind all this information as well as the requirement of the client.

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